Mechanical Trading Strategies


Mechanical Trading Strategies

This is a highly advanced 1 Day event with Live Trading practice:  



  • 2 trading set ups. Different strategies for unique markets
  • Set up trading logic. Realistic trading showing why a strategy works.
  • Methods of execution. Variable position sizing and benefits of this.
  • Balancing your risk.  Managing multiple entry and exit techniques.

Why Two Trading Set ups?

Often a trader has stagnation in capital growth after trading for a short period of time. This can happen after a few weeks to a few months after trading commences. There are a few main reasons for this and generally speaking this acts as a barrier to trading progress.
If nothing is done, the trader stagnates at this stage.

The barrier can be overcome in a number of ways:-

(a) the realisation that techniques listed in old/generalist books, free websites, help sections on broker websites generally don't work CONSISTENTLY. Listen, I am not saying that the techniques do not work, but that they are not reliable methods for trading and increasing account capital consistently over the long term.

How can Trading Logic benefit me? 

(b) Broker commissions are stacked against you and your trading results suffer from slippage factor and this becomes increasingly more important in your trading.

The Art of Balancing Risk with system probabilities

(c) Your trading potential will be realised by using your OWN talent, with some good trading tools and techniques.

(d) You are completely responsible for the trading profits and losses on your own account.

(e) Learning how other traders make consistent profits, trading strategies and their form of risk management. Understanding if YOU can adapt this to your own personality and style of trading. Too often I see traders try to imitate complex trading strategies that are not suited to there personality types. The cure for this is to look at the trading time frame and match this to the strategy. The question is: - Do you have too little or too much patience?.

What will I learn:-

Learn precise ENTRY and EXIT rules for every strategy. We show you how.
You put it all together STEP BY STEP and apply it in the class
We spend lots of time Analysing and Trading of the Markets in the sessions.
You receive fully documented Course material with examples.
Demonstration on how to open, close and manage futures and equity positions on a direct access trading platform.


Day Schedule Topics

The seminar will cover Mechanical Trading Strategies and tactics:-
2 HIGH PROBABILITY trade set ups to improve your odds in 3 different time frames..
See how to set up your trading plan and deploy variable risk management dependent on factors that will be outlined. . You will be given a very comprehensive explanation of this advanced technique. It has been employed globally and is well known to traders that trade big dollar funds. The application of this is more important in volatile markets. This is what we have today.
Learn strategy techniques that you can use immediately while trading the specific markets and instruments in the specified time frames. 
Understand which Risk Management rules will impact your success as a trader and when to adapt them for your success. .

What level is this course pitched at?

This is an mid level to advanced seminar. You are expected to know the basic elements of trading that will have been covered by your first broker. E.g. What shares and derivatives are. The different markets, Currencies, commodities and stocks. How to place a trade. What a trend-line is. Simple trading strategies.



  • Wednesday 23 February 2022    - Time: 7am to 4 pm
  • Tuesday 12th April 2022  - Time: 7am to 4 pm
  • Further 2022 Dates. - Please email us to organise a suitable date - Time: 8am to 4 pm
  • Follow up webinar/ Conference call - Live Market Trading.

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Mechanical Trading Strategies